Complete Your Funding Strategy with SR&ED
SR&ED 101 Guide

Your guide to the essentials of Canada’s largest research tax credit

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit is an incentive program that is applicable across virtually all industry sectors. SR&ED is integral to any business’s funding strategy. Besides basic and applied research, SR&ED is also designed to support “shop floor” improvements.

Ryan’s SR&ED 101 Guide helps you gain a solid understanding of how your business can leverage the SR&ED tax credit program with essential information on how to get started.

The SR&ED 101 Guide provides you with:

  • The history and objectives of SR&ED;
  • Benefits of SR&ED;
  • The basics of SR&ED eligibility;
  • The SR&ED review process; and
  • Why SR&ED is essential to your funding roadmap.

Get started on financing your research and innovation through the SR&ED tax credit program.

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